Ein langfristiger Kurs zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse. Turinabol + Testosteron



Long-Term Course for Muscle Mass Building: Turinabol Testosterone

Our long-term course for muscle mass building offers athletes and bodybuilders an effective solution to enhance their performance and achieve their desired physique. With the inclusion of Turinabol Testosterone, this product provides numerous benefits for individuals looking to maximize their muscle growth potential.

Main Pharmacological Properties

Turinabol Testosterone is a synthetic anabolic steroid that possesses both anabolic and androgenic properties. It is derived from testosterone and is known for its ability to promote protein synthesis, increase nitrogen retention, and enhance muscle mass development. Additionally, it aids in improving strength, endurance, and overall athletic performance.

Effect on the Body of Athletes and Bodybuilders

When incorporated into a training regimen, Turinabol Testosterone can significantly impact the body of athletes and bodybuilders. It facilitates the growth of lean muscle mass, leading to increased strength and power. Moreover, it promotes faster recovery, allowing individuals to train harder and more frequently. This product also enhances red blood cell production, resulting in improved oxygenation and endurance during physical activities.

Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

While Turinabol Testosterone offers remarkable benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects. Common side effects may include liver toxicity, increased cholesterol levels, and suppression of natural testosterone production. To minimize these risks, it is crucial to follow recommended dosage guidelines, undergo regular medical check-ups, and incorporate liver support supplements during the course. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is also recommended to restore natural hormone production.

Choosing the Right Dosage and Correct Usage

Choosing the appropriate dosage of Turinabol Testosterone depends on various factors, including experience level, body weight, and desired goals. It is recommended to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it to assess individual tolerance and response. The typical dosage range for men is 20-50mg per day, while women should not exceed 10mg per day to avoid virilization effects. The course duration usually ranges from 6 to 8 weeks.

To ensure optimal results, it is crucial to follow the correct usage instructions. Turinabol Testosterone is typically taken orally, with or without food. It is advisable to split the daily dosage into multiple administrations throughout the day to maintain stable blood levels. It is essential to adhere to the recommended dosage and not exceed the prescribed duration to avoid potential health risks.


While Turinabol Testosterone can be highly beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders, certain contraindications should be considered. This product is not suitable for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions such as liver or kidney disease, cardiovascular issues, or prostate cancer. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid using this product. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the course to ensure its suitability and safety.

Buy Original Drugs at Good Prices

Our website offers a great option for purchasing original drugs at competitive prices. We prioritize the authenticity and quality of our products, providing athletes and bodybuilders with a reliable source for their performance-enhancing needs. With our user-friendly interface and secure payment options, you can conveniently access the products you require to support your muscle mass building journey.


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